For our film we will be needing various pieces of equipment to help us film/shoot at our chosen locations. This is a list of some of the things we will need;
1) Cam-corder
2) Tripod
3) Photo Frame
4) Photo of Chloe and Cameron
5) Letter from Cameron to Chloe
6) A House (with stairs and a bed)
7) A cigarette
8) A firewire cable
9) A computer with Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects installed.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Kyle Cooper
Kyle Cooper is the most successful modern designer of motion picture title sequences. Cooper is a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and holds the honorary title of Royal Designer for Industry from the Royal Society of Arts in London. Cooper claims his greatest influence in his choice of profession is Stephen Frankfurt's opening title sequence for To Kill a Mockingbird (1962).
Kyle Cooper has directed over 150 film title sequences, and has been credited with "almost single-handedly revitalizing the main-title sequence as an art form". He is the founder of two internationally recognized film design companies, Imaginary Forces and Prologue Films. Cooper earned a M.F.A. in Graphic Design from the Yale School of Art.
Cooper created the title sequence for the film 'Seven' and he uses an enigma code to entice the audience into watching the film.
What i can learn from Kyle Cooper is that it is not always neccessary to give away the plot or idea behind a film straight away- the suspence will keep the audience interested and wanting to know more.
I can also learn that it is important to use titles that are relevant to the chosen theme in order to set the themes and mood.
Kyle Cooper has directed over 150 film title sequences, and has been credited with "almost single-handedly revitalizing the main-title sequence as an art form". He is the founder of two internationally recognized film design companies, Imaginary Forces and Prologue Films. Cooper earned a M.F.A. in Graphic Design from the Yale School of Art.
Cooper created the title sequence for the film 'Seven' and he uses an enigma code to entice the audience into watching the film.
What i can learn from Kyle Cooper is that it is not always neccessary to give away the plot or idea behind a film straight away- the suspence will keep the audience interested and wanting to know more.
I can also learn that it is important to use titles that are relevant to the chosen theme in order to set the themes and mood.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Saul Bass

Saul Bass was an American graphic designer and Academy Award-winning filmmaker.
His most renowned work however, was for his design on animated motion picture title sequences.
Bass worked for some of Hollywood's greatest filmmakers, including Alfred Hitchcock, Otto Preminger, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese. Amongst his most famous title sequences are the animated paper cut-out of a heroin addict's arm for Preminger's. The purpose of this imagery was to create a strong theme- addiction and drug abuse. Bass did this through skewing the paper cut-outs to give a jaunty effect- similar to addiction and drug abuse which is irrational and unstable. The Man with the Golden Arm

In Psycho, Bass's contributionbs were the vertical bars sweeping across the screen in a manic, mirrored helter-skelter motif at the beginning of Hitchcock’s 1960 horror. This staccato sequence is an inspired symbol of Norman Bates’ fractured psyche. Hitchcock also allowed Bass to work on the film itself, notably on its dramatic highpoint, the famous shower scene with Janet Leigh.

Bass created titles for other directors - from the animated alley cat in 1961’s Walk on the Wild Side, to the motor racing sequence in 1966’s Grand Prix.

'My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film's story, to express the story in some metaphorical way. I saw the title as a way of conditioning the audience, so that when the film actually began, viewers would already have an emotional resonance with it.- Bass
What i can learn from Saul Bass is that in order to create a strong effect or theme, the images that coincide have to reinforce that theme- for example, for a horror movie, i would now be less subtle about my choice of images. I can understand that Bass's work was limited due to it's time frame and somewhat amateur compared to present technologies but the ideas and thought processes are still key and relevant in modern film making.
The synopsis of the film is that Chloe and Cameron were in a loving relationship and they cared a lot about each other. They even had plans to get married and have children.
Cameron and Chloe have been in a long-term relationship and Chloe is the more loving one and is completely devoted to Cameron.
It is then made clear than Cameron is becoming ever closer with the promiscuous character that is Cleo. At first he feels that they are merely sharing a friendship, but as time goes on, he begins to have sexual feelings toward her.
Cameron and Cleo sleep together and Cleo is not concerned with Chloe or her feelings. Cameron does feel guilty but he continues meeting up with Cleo and sleeping with her.
Unbeknown to Cameron and Cleo, Chloe discovers their affair and becomes filled with rage and hatred. The once tranquil character that she was has become almost evil. She plots and schemes to destroy Cameron and Cleo by any means possible...
Cameron and Chloe have been in a long-term relationship and Chloe is the more loving one and is completely devoted to Cameron.
It is then made clear than Cameron is becoming ever closer with the promiscuous character that is Cleo. At first he feels that they are merely sharing a friendship, but as time goes on, he begins to have sexual feelings toward her.
Cameron and Cleo sleep together and Cleo is not concerned with Chloe or her feelings. Cameron does feel guilty but he continues meeting up with Cleo and sleeping with her.
Unbeknown to Cameron and Cleo, Chloe discovers their affair and becomes filled with rage and hatred. The once tranquil character that she was has become almost evil. She plots and schemes to destroy Cameron and Cleo by any means possible...
Some films that inspired us were Basic instinct, Fatal Attraction and Body Heat.
‘Basic instinct is a film which centers on police detective Nick Curran (Douglas), who is investigating the brutal murder of a wealthy former rock star. Beautiful, seductive and wealthy crime writer Catherine Tramell (Stone) could be involved; over the course of the investigation, Detective Curran becomes involved in an intense relationship with the mysterious woman — who turns out to be very dangerous.’

Fatal Attraction;
‘Fatal Attraction is a 1987 thriller film about a married man who has a weekend affair with a woman who refuses to allow it to end and who becomes obsessed with him. It stars Michael Douglas, Glenn Close and Anne Archer.’

Body Heat;
‘During a particularly intensive Florida heatwave, Ned Racine (William Hurt), an inept and rather sleazy lawyer, begins an affair with Matty (Kathleen Turner), wife of Edmund Walker (Richard Crenna), a wealthy businessman. Due to their affair, serious consequences follow.’

As you can see, we are using ideas from these films such as dominant women who become obsessed and violent with their partners. For example, if their partner says they are going to leave, the female will threaten to kill the man.
Our take on this is that Chloe cannot handle the fact that Cameron has cheated on her and she becomes violent and derranged wanting revenge.
Some films that inspired us were Basic instinct, Fatal Attraction and Body Heat.
‘Basic instinct is a film which centers on police detective Nick Curran (Douglas), who is investigating the brutal murder of a wealthy former rock star. Beautiful, seductive and wealthy crime writer Catherine Tramell (Stone) could be involved; over the course of the investigation, Detective Curran becomes involved in an intense relationship with the mysterious woman — who turns out to be very dangerous.’

Fatal Attraction;
‘Fatal Attraction is a 1987 thriller film about a married man who has a weekend affair with a woman who refuses to allow it to end and who becomes obsessed with him. It stars Michael Douglas, Glenn Close and Anne Archer.’

Body Heat;
‘During a particularly intensive Florida heatwave, Ned Racine (William Hurt), an inept and rather sleazy lawyer, begins an affair with Matty (Kathleen Turner), wife of Edmund Walker (Richard Crenna), a wealthy businessman. Due to their affair, serious consequences follow.’

As you can see, we are using ideas from these films such as dominant women who become obsessed and violent with their partners. For example, if their partner says they are going to leave, the female will threaten to kill the man.
Our take on this is that Chloe cannot handle the fact that Cameron has cheated on her and she becomes violent and derranged wanting revenge.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
SMART Targets
In order to make our film, we must be specific with what we choose to do. For example, costumes, setting and props must be planned and scheduled to make sure that we have guidelines. In order to be very specific, we will make a storyboard with which we can refer to during film making.
We will do a survey using fellow classmates or family members or our own judgment to make sure what is required has been achieved.
As a group we will use ideas and techniques which are achievable given the time and budget that we have. In other words, we cannot use idea which would cost alot of money or take a very long time.
Our film opening can be completed to a high standard and is a realistic target.
We will make sure that we are very aware of time and that it is not endless. Our final cut must be complete by the 19th April 2010 and we must meet this deadline.
As a group we need to take into account time limitations and deadlines- Everything must be complete by March 23rd.
In order to make our film, we must be specific with what we choose to do. For example, costumes, setting and props must be planned and scheduled to make sure that we have guidelines. In order to be very specific, we will make a storyboard with which we can refer to during film making.
We will do a survey using fellow classmates or family members or our own judgment to make sure what is required has been achieved.
As a group we will use ideas and techniques which are achievable given the time and budget that we have. In other words, we cannot use idea which would cost alot of money or take a very long time.
Our film opening can be completed to a high standard and is a realistic target.
We will make sure that we are very aware of time and that it is not endless. Our final cut must be complete by the 19th April 2010 and we must meet this deadline.
As a group we need to take into account time limitations and deadlines- Everything must be complete by March 23rd.
Friday, 5 March 2010
The title of our film became something of much deliberation. We decided on titles that were relevant to our theme and would give the audience and indication of what the film would entail. In the beginning we cut our list down to five names which were;
In the beginning we called our film ‘Infidel’ and we were happy with this title as we thought it was a good indication that the film would be about cheating of some kind. After reviewing the film with the title ‘Infidel’ overlaid at the beginning, we thought that the title sounded a little weak and fragile. So we decided to go with Deceit as its sound is much more plosive.
Our film would begin with Cameron and Chloe. We would present their relation as being pretty much perfect. The couple would exchange love letters confessing their love for one another. We would film it in the summer with lots of scenes shot in the sun or at sunset for a more romantic effect. The scenes would consist of playful love and light passion. Just enough so that the audience could tell the couple are innocent and completely in love with one another.
Cameron would apply for a summer job at an open air swimming pool to be a lifeguard. He would be really excited about the job and when he finds out he has been successful, he becomes ecstatic and Chloe is also very happy for him.
Cameron would be working at the swimming pool five days a week and he would have the weekends off with which he would spend with Chloe.
One day at work, Cameron would be paying attention to the people in the pool and a girl would flirtatiously begin speaking with him. She would only be making small talk, but would clearly have deeper intentions.
Cameron goes home and thinks nothing of the girl he met at work, so doesn’t mention it to Chloe when he sees her on the weekend.
The following Monday, the same girl approaches his and they eat lunch together on their break as she also works at the pool. Cameron learns that her name is Cleo and he also learns that he is becoming attracted to her.
Cameron tells himself that it is a silly crush and nothing to be worri
ed about.
During the week at work, Cameron and Cleo switch numbers and begin texting at the weekend. Chloe asks who Cameron is constantly texting and he tells Chloe ‘Just a work colleague.’ Chloe being assumes the work colleague to be male and so doesn’t think of it again.
During the texting sessions, Cameron asks Cleo if she would like to come round some time and Cameron agrees.
The following week after work, Cameron invites Cleo round for an early tea. Cleo goes round and things get heated between them and they end up sleeping together.
Cameron decides to tell Chloe when he sees her on the weekend. When it comes to it, he cannot tell her, he is too busy texting Cleo.
Cameron then goes to the shops to get some cigarettes and Chloe takes this opportunity to go through Cameron’s phone.
The latest text from Chloe gives the game away as she is telling Cameron how good he was and how much she enjoyed that night.
Chloe doesn’t mention this to Cameron and acts as though everything is normal.
As soon as Cameron leaves, Chloe is distraught. This is when Chloe begins plotting against Cameron and Cleo.
She plans on finding out when they next meet up and walking in on them. She will then do what she will to destroy their partnership.
Our shots will consist of;
• Our production company logo (Naked Production_
• Our second logo (SLACC Productions)
• A long shot of The River Thames going from out of focus to being in focus.
• A medium shot of Chloe standing on Lambeth Bridge
• A long shot of Cameron and Cleo walking into Cleo’s house.
• A Shot Reverse Shot of Cameron and Cleo walking into the house
• A medium shot of Chloe standing on the bridge facing the river
• A low angle shot of Cameron and Cleo running up the stairs
• An over the shoulder shot of Chloe smoking a cigarette on the bridge
• A match shot of Cameron and Cleo hurriedly entering Cleo’s room
• A close up of the door closing
• An extreme long shot of the Houses of Parliament with Chloe’s cigarette visible in the left corner
• A medium long shot of Cleo and Cameron getting ever closer in her room
• A close up of Cameron and Chloe in a photo frame.
• An over the shoulder shot of Chloe smoking and holding a piece of paper in her hand (the audience do not know what this is yet)
• A big close of Chloe and Cameron to show how meaningful their relationship was but no longer is.
• A medium shot of the photo being kicked of its stand- suggestive of what is happening between Cleo and Cameron at this moment.
• An over the shoulder shot with Cameron’s love letter to Chloe faded over the top while Chloe rips it up.
• A shot of the title of our film ‘Deceit’
The title of our film became something of much deliberation. We decided on titles that were relevant to our theme and would give the audience and indication of what the film would entail. In the beginning we cut our list down to five names which were;
In the beginning we called our film ‘Infidel’ and we were happy with this title as we thought it was a good indication that the film would be about cheating of some kind. After reviewing the film with the title ‘Infidel’ overlaid at the beginning, we thought that the title sounded a little weak and fragile. So we decided to go with Deceit as its sound is much more plosive.
Our film would begin with Cameron and Chloe. We would present their relation as being pretty much perfect. The couple would exchange love letters confessing their love for one another. We would film it in the summer with lots of scenes shot in the sun or at sunset for a more romantic effect. The scenes would consist of playful love and light passion. Just enough so that the audience could tell the couple are innocent and completely in love with one another.
Cameron would apply for a summer job at an open air swimming pool to be a lifeguard. He would be really excited about the job and when he finds out he has been successful, he becomes ecstatic and Chloe is also very happy for him.
Cameron would be working at the swimming pool five days a week and he would have the weekends off with which he would spend with Chloe.
One day at work, Cameron would be paying attention to the people in the pool and a girl would flirtatiously begin speaking with him. She would only be making small talk, but would clearly have deeper intentions.
Cameron goes home and thinks nothing of the girl he met at work, so doesn’t mention it to Chloe when he sees her on the weekend.
The following Monday, the same girl approaches his and they eat lunch together on their break as she also works at the pool. Cameron learns that her name is Cleo and he also learns that he is becoming attracted to her.
Cameron tells himself that it is a silly crush and nothing to be worri
ed about.
During the week at work, Cameron and Cleo switch numbers and begin texting at the weekend. Chloe asks who Cameron is constantly texting and he tells Chloe ‘Just a work colleague.’ Chloe being assumes the work colleague to be male and so doesn’t think of it again.
During the texting sessions, Cameron asks Cleo if she would like to come round some time and Cameron agrees.
The following week after work, Cameron invites Cleo round for an early tea. Cleo goes round and things get heated between them and they end up sleeping together.
Cameron decides to tell Chloe when he sees her on the weekend. When it comes to it, he cannot tell her, he is too busy texting Cleo.
Cameron then goes to the shops to get some cigarettes and Chloe takes this opportunity to go through Cameron’s phone.
The latest text from Chloe gives the game away as she is telling Cameron how good he was and how much she enjoyed that night.
Chloe doesn’t mention this to Cameron and acts as though everything is normal.
As soon as Cameron leaves, Chloe is distraught. This is when Chloe begins plotting against Cameron and Cleo.
She plans on finding out when they next meet up and walking in on them. She will then do what she will to destroy their partnership.
Our shots will consist of;
• Our production company logo (Naked Production_
• Our second logo (SLACC Productions)
• A long shot of The River Thames going from out of focus to being in focus.
• A medium shot of Chloe standing on Lambeth Bridge
• A long shot of Cameron and Cleo walking into Cleo’s house.
• A Shot Reverse Shot of Cameron and Cleo walking into the house
• A medium shot of Chloe standing on the bridge facing the river
• A low angle shot of Cameron and Cleo running up the stairs
• An over the shoulder shot of Chloe smoking a cigarette on the bridge
• A match shot of Cameron and Cleo hurriedly entering Cleo’s room
• A close up of the door closing
• An extreme long shot of the Houses of Parliament with Chloe’s cigarette visible in the left corner
• A medium long shot of Cleo and Cameron getting ever closer in her room
• A close up of Cameron and Chloe in a photo frame.
• An over the shoulder shot of Chloe smoking and holding a piece of paper in her hand (the audience do not know what this is yet)
• A big close of Chloe and Cameron to show how meaningful their relationship was but no longer is.
• A medium shot of the photo being kicked of its stand- suggestive of what is happening between Cleo and Cameron at this moment.
• An over the shoulder shot with Cameron’s love letter to Chloe faded over the top while Chloe rips it up.
• A shot of the title of our film ‘Deceit’
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Meeting Two;

At our second meeting we began discussing a plot and chracters for our film. We decided to base our film around a couple or are in love until one of them sleeps with somebody else. We decided we would encorporate the thriller element by making the partner who gets cheated on wanting revenge.
After the story line was finalised, we produced storyboards. We worked tightly as a group and distributed different roles to different people.
For example, we elected each of us to complete equal quantities of work which were just as important as eachothers.
This made everything fair.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Meeting One;

At our first meeting, we discussed as a group which genres we would most like to work around. We had some very creative and interesting ideas to begin with. We initially decided to do a romantic comedy based around a man falling in love with a pug. We were going to film scenes of the man with his pug running through fields together as though they were in love. But we decided this was too abstract and nonsensical
Finally, we decided the best genre to base our film around would be a horror or a thriller. We thought this as it would be the most simple to convey through music and characterisation.
We were also a little confused as to how we would go about creating humour in two minutes of film. So we opted for the thriller/horror genre.
Monday, 1 March 2010

Suitable for 15 years and over. According to the bbfc, 'No one younger than 15 may see this film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video work. Strong language can be used in 15 rating film. Language such as f***, b****, p**** etc may be used, anad parents of children younger than 15 would feel this inappropriate for their children.
As there is no dialogue in the opening of our film, this would not apply, but we decided as a group that were the film to be developed fully, such language would be used by the actors when discussing characters.
For example;
Chloe: ‘Cameron is the biggest p**** for sleeping with her.’
We also decided, that were the film to be developed fully, there may be murderous scenes and scenes of violence which would not be appropriate for younger children.
For example;
Chloe and Cleo may have a fight and Chloe may use a knife to stab/kill Cleo or Cameron.
Rough Cut and feedback from fellow students
As you can see, this is our rough cut. The bulk of filming and editing has been done but some minor and some major aspects need to be reviewed and changed/enhanced such as the music at the end of the film turning from minor to major.
This needs to be changed as it doesn't fit with the rest of the film opening and would confuse the audience.
Here are a few comments that people made after watching our rough cut of our film opening;
'I thought the opening was very good and i liked the way the water fades in at the very beginning. It really sets the scene' - Riham Walcott
'I thought it was all cool but the music at the end doesn't make sense to me. it turns from being sad to happy and i didn't really get that.' - India Harley
'I liked the shots of Chloe on the bridge, i thought they were all really scenic and created a very mysterious mood' - Nathaniel Prince
'I don't really understand the connection between the characters. What does Chloe have to do with Cleo and Cameron and why is she so upset? Maybe you could make this clearer in some way.' - Chauntelle Stafford.
Considering the above comments, i feel that we can use the critisisms constructively to improve our film opening. For example, we will definately make it clearer as to how the characters are connecetd. We will do this writing a love letter from Cameron to Chloe.
I think lots can be taken from these comments and we will use them in our group to help us improve the confusing aspects and maintain the positive ones.
Location Recee;

For Chloe's scenes, we wanted to create a sinister and melancholy feel. In order to achieve this, we decided that the best time to film would be on a bridge overlooking water at night.
We thought the bridge and the water were important elements because they would suggest notions of suicide and death from Chloe's part.
Accordingly, we chose Lambeth bridge as you can see above. Another reason for choosing Lambeth Bridge was because it overlooks London making it aesthetically pleasing. At night, the lights from the Houses of Parliament and the London eye work extremely well against the bleak bridge and black water.
We needed this scene to be well lit because if it wasn't, the camera would not have picked up Chloe and so would not have been successful.
We also wanted these scenes to be the most dramatic and we thought Lambeth Bridge met all our critera.
For Cameron and Cleo's scenes, we wanted to film at an every day normal setting. We thought the best place for this would be a house as everybody is familiar with being in a home environment and a bedroom.
We filmed at Cleo's house, filming Cameron and Cleo walking in from the outside of her house. This was to establish the setting.
(upload photo of my house here)
We then filmed to stairs to show that the characters were headed to a bed(upload bedroom photo here)room (unpoload stairs here) and we then filmed the characters in the bedroom.
I thought that the locations we chose were most suitable for our film opening because they fitted the genre perfectly and created the exact mood that we needed. So overall, i was very happy with the locations.
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