What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
This was the first piece of software that we used. Nobody in our group had come across it before so we went to some extra classes to help us understand the intricacy of the programme.
When we first opened to programme, I was very confused and clueless as to where to begin- there were lots of drop down boxes, applications, toolbars and buttons which caused even more confusion. The general format of Adobe Premier Pro CS4 was something which I had never seen.
To instil the methods and techniques we would need when using this programme, we looked on YouTube at some tutorials on how to use it and become accustomed to it.
Here is an example of a tutorial;
It took a long time to get used to the different features and technical aspect of Premier Pro, but eventually we began to understand how it worked. Adobe Premier Pro would no w act as the foundation for our film; we would use it to make the film fit together to make a sequence and without it, our film opening would not have been able to be finalised.
I think that this programme allowed us limitless freedom with editing techniques and special effects. I am aware that many large budget movies have used this programme thus meaning a lot can be achieved from it.
After effects was another programme we used to make our film opening look professional.
This programme was more for our production company logos. There were many effects we could use and in the end, it just became about choosing one instead of another. We were sure to make our Production Company Logos in context to the genre of the film so as not to cause confusion and to reinforce the themes.
At the very early stages of filming, we used a tape based Sony camcorder.
When filming the preliminary task this is what we used and for the majority of the film opening. Loading the film from the tape onto the computer was very long and time consuming and after some time, we received new cameras which recorded onto a hard disk. This meant that all filming was internalised and we didn’t need to keep the tape safe or carry it with us. I preferred these cameras because their quality was better and they were smaller which made them easy to carry. They also gave us a better quality of picture and sound.
I found controlling and using the cameras difficult at first but began to understand and appreciate their technical side after a little while of filming.
If our film had contained dialogue, the second cameras would have been our priority, but we chose to exclude dialogue and replace it with a soundtrack.
The next piece of technical equipment we used was the audio recorder.
I thought the ones we used were of high quality as they picked up the slightest noise. I also thought that they were very straightforward in terms of use. It was also very simple to upload the sound on top of our film. We merely had to overlay the recording and mute the soundtrack and it was complete.
In order to find pictures and videos etc, we used some social networking sites such as Facebook.
As our target audience would be around the same age as our group, we had lots of photos online of placed we had been out with our friends or to parties. These pictures were very useful in giving examples of the teen lifestyle.
We uploaded our film opening to YouTube so that the public would comment on it. It also meant that our Film was accessible to everybody worldwide.
Overall, this project taught me a lot about the technical side of the media. Prior to this, i did not have much of an understanding for the different types of equipment and programmes used in this industry. I feel that the experience has been very productive as i can now expand upon my knowledge in upcoming projects.
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