This is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. ''Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation.[2] Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. ''
I will be using this to help me understand why our chosen target audience will be interested in our film.
Maslow’s Hierarchy demonstrates the different aspects that people need to have satisfied and accomplished in order to move on to the next step. Eventually, when all the steps have been completed, ‘Self Actualisation’ is made in which you are genuinely happy in yourself.
Excluding nutritional needs and requirements, in my opinion, our film could help its audience achieve Self Actualisation.
I say this because the opening scene is very destructive and demonstrates characters whose lives are going to fall apart due to acts irreversible. Viewers of the film would hopefully not be experiencing exactly the same hardships as the characters and so would feel good about their own lives and begin to appreciate that they do in fact have very fulfilled lives.
A sense of belonging and love is established via the fact that other people have problems and do not live a perfect life that is free from conflict. Viewers can then no longer feel alienated from society.
I would argue that esteem can be established by the viewers of the film feeling as though the choices that the characters in the film are marking are wrong. And were that situation to arise in their lives, they would choose not to cheat on their partner. This can boost esteem by making them feel good that they have the dignity and will to choose the right and positive path.
Aesthetic needs can be met by the way the characters dress and speak. We chose characters in which our audience can relate to and feel as though they are real. For the film to be aesthetically pleasing we chose to use setting which were believable and were places in which our target audience would sometimes even go to.
We wanted our characters to appear to be genuine and we feel that we achieved this. Aestheticism has been met.
Lastly, if our film did create a feeling of ‘Self Actualisation’ for its audience I would feel very proud and as though we had achieved a lot more than we thought capable. It would be very encouraging if our film made people feel positively about their own lives.
Who would be the audience for your media product?

This is a photo of young people in their late teens. We decided as a group this would be our target audience as this is a time when people are beginning to experiment with the controversies that adult life brings. Between these ages in when some people begin getting into serious relationships and experimenting sexually.
We thought that a 12 rating would be too young as childhood and its naivety is still most present at this age. We decided that a 15 rating would be most appropriate as this is the age where most people are beginning to discover their personalities and sense of self.
As you can seem our chosen audience appear to be a social group that enjoy going out to parties and possibly drinking and smoking.
Here are some aspects/interests/habits that their lives may include and would contribute to our film had it been made into a whole production.
Their taste in music would be alternative and not necessarily what would be considered most popular in the chart.
We would consider this to be music that our target audience would not listen to and what is referred to as ‘Pop’. Jay Z and Alicia Keys ''Empire State of Mind''
On the other hand, possible artists that they may listen to would be Hot Chip. I say this because their music is alternative and containts subliminal messages of what many teenagers would relate to. their music also has an electro/trance feel to it which is suggesstive of the target audience behaviours and attitudes.
Things they may watch on the Television may include; Waterloo Road, Hollyoaks, 90210, Skins, One Tree Hill, The OC etc. All of which encapsulate the teen lifestyle and the hardship teenagers undergo, thus meaning real teenagers can relate.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kFulIjSpdg&feature=related - Skins Clip.
Our target audience would most likely enjoy watching horror films and thriller films. Clearly they would also watch other genres but as teenagers they would like to watch films in a group where they can engage with one another and feel the fear together. It is stereotypical of teenagers to group together to watch a scary film and is seen by many as ‘fun’.
Places where they would shop for clothing;
Highstreet trends such as TopShop. They would stray from JD sports and stereotypically ‘chavvy’ clothing. Other shops may include Urban Outfitters and All Saints- these are places renowned for originality which is what all teenagers aspire to be.

Social Life;
In the summer, our teenagers could be found in a group at the park enjoying the sunshine. Possibly smoking and drinking. Their nightlife would include partying and getting drunk and socialising with others and sexual antics including homosexuality. Clubbing would also be high on their agenda.
Here is a photo of a group of girls out clubbing at Tiger Tiger. As you can see their clothing is suggestive and promiscuity would probably be present.

Following these events would come regret. This is established through our film where Cameron cheats on Chloe. He does in fact love Chloe he has just stupidly made a mistake.
Habits and interests;
Their habits and interests may be very harmful; some being eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, possible self harm and intoxication and extreme drinking.
More constructively, some of them would have interests that are positive, such as playing an instrument, dancing, a keen interest in their studies etc.
Our target audience would fall somewhere in between these habits and interests.
They would dislike anything that they cannot relate to or find degrading. For example, something which they would not like could be ‘The Simple Life’ with Paris Hilton. I say this because it involves Paris behaving very self obsessed and as though she is very stupid and enjoys spending lots of money just because she can.
They would enjoy things with more depth and significance to them such as ‘The Breakfast Club’ which is a film about teenagers in detention and how they unite and rebel against the detention system.

Why our target audience would like our film;
They would like and enjoy our film because it relates to and communicates to teenagers experiencing pressures and going through difficult relationships. As mentioned before, they would enjoy or film because it contains elements of horror.
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